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6 Ways to Get the Dog Ready for Your Baby

Baby-proofing the Dog Everything changes when your new baby comes home, and your dog is probably going to feel confused by the upheaval at first. Your daily routines, level of attentiveness and availability are greatly impacted, which can be confusing for your pooch. Here are some tips to help smooth the transition for you and […]

6 Scary Facts about Lyme Disease in Dogs

Lyme disease is a scary thought for people, with approximately 30,000 cases of the illness being reported to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) every year. But are you aware that Lyme disease can also affect dogs? Like in humans, it is transmitted by a bacterium spread through the bite of an infected […]

8 Tips For Caring For Your Pet This Winter

Can you believe it… where did this summer go? In a blink of an eye, we move into Winter! Here are some tips to think about when it comes to your pets comfort this winter. Living in a Winter Wonderland? Unless you’re one of the lucky ones living in one of the balmier states, you’ve […]